Finished illustrations made on art softwares.My main subjects are mostly anthropomorphic creatures, featured in fantasy settings. The techniques vary from lineart and cel shading (non-photorealistic rendering for a more flat result), to digital painting (very textured rendering, for a greater amount of details).The subjects featured on here are for the most part characters i created, as well as characters created by friends and artist acquaintances. Some characters also come from popular video game licenses, as fan art is also something i like to illustrate, in order to pay tribute to my favourite pieces of media.Most of these illustrations were made on Paint Tool SAI ver.2, some were also scribbled on MS Paint.

Digital illustrations _

A compilation of rough drafts and more fleshed-out concepts.The main purpose of all of those works are mostly to convey and develop ideas, hence the rough aspect of some of the pieces displayed here. They work as guidelines, and i rely a lot on those first drafts for all of my projects.A vast majority of these drafts are character reference sheets, as i really enjoy playing around and trying to pinpoint the personality of the characters i work with.

Concept art _

Anything that isn't made on a digital support.It ranges from two-dimensional artworks created in various traditional art techniques (pencil, watercolour, paint and ink, embroidery), to three-dimensional creations involving sewing, sculpting and carving.Experimenting through various techniques is something i deem important as a creator, in order to get out of one's comfort zone, and expand their field of view and skillset.

Traditional arts _

Landscapes and backgrounds, digitally painted or built in 3D softwares.These landscape paintings and 3D renders were studies on background composition and lighting. Some of those landscapes were also featured on digital illustrations showcased on this portfolio.The 3D renders were all made on Blender, most assets were built by myself, but some were open sourced, meaning they're free to use by anyone.

3D & environment art _